Monday 11 March 2013

Studentship Available

 Studentship Available

CropBase Programme

University of Nottingham -School of Biosciences

Project Title: Using geospatial approaches to determine the phosphorus dynamics in soil-crop systems in Malaysia
The aim of this project is to conduct a geospatial analysis of P-use in Malaysia, and to identify where improvements in P-use efficiency may be feasible, e.g., using altered techniques to manage P fertilizer applications or using crop breeding techniques for increased P-use efficiency (e.g. better rooting systems).
Phosphorus (P) is an essential crop nutrient. Crop roots acquire P as phosphate (Pi, P2O5) from low concentrations in the soil solution. Pi delivery to crop roots is often limited by diffusion and inorganic Pi fertilizers are routinely used to maintain yields and quality. Fertilization with Pi has large financial and environmental impacts as much of the P applied to crops as fertilizer becomes fixed in soils and is unavailable to crops. This unrecovered pool of soil P can contaminate surface and ground water through erosion and so there is a pressing need to improve P-use efficiency in the agricultural sector.
The student will source data relating to geomorphology (e.g. satellite imagery), soil type and land-use/production, and trade statistics for fertilizer imports which are primarily rock phosphates in Malaysia. These data will be integrated in a geospatially-referenced database/GIS. The student will be trained in digitizing techniques and databasing/data management. Subsequently, the student will conduct quantitative analyses of P dynamics at a national scale. For example, source apportionment approaches will be used to quantify P run-off to surface waters from the oil-palm and other sectors. Subsequently, multiscale modelling will be used to test the effect of scenario change (e.g. altered fertilizer management) on the environmental movement of P.
Level: PhD
Supervisor names and contact details:
  1. Dr Paul Williams, School of Biosciences, Malaysia (
  2. Dr Martin Broadley, School of Biosciences, UK (
  3. Dr Scott Young, School of Biosciences, UK (
  4. Dr Sean Mayes, School of Biosciences, Malaysia/UK (
  5. Dr Louise Ander (British Geological Survey,
To apply please contact Dr Martin Broadley, by email via the apply button below, in the first instance. Please quote ref. SCI/1253.
This studentship will remain open until filled.

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